The New Zealand Villa

Built by the Victorians and the Edwardian’s from great native forests, the villa is New...



Painting maybe the most tedious job however once completed gives the most serious job satisfaction. ...

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You don’t need to spend a lot of money on a headboard.  Below is a...

Bedroom Storage

Loving these Vintage storage ideas. (Photography shared via

Crazy Bedroom Interiors

I stumbled upon an image of a bedroom which was under the sea, literally!  Sharks...

Likes and Dislikes

Likes 🙂  Pictures on  “”  New shop Collected, Bloc, 20    Normandy Road, Mt Eden Auckland....

Myth behind Thread Count

I was recently asked about ‘Thread Count’.  All Laura Thomas Linens are 400 Thread Count. ...

My White Bedroom.

I have a confession to make.  I am totally obsessed with white bedrooms.  Having discovered...