Happy New Year! This really is the first day of the rest of our lives (gosh I like that saying) and I do love the fact that the 1st of January contains so many possibilities for the future.
Very unusually springing out of bed this morning, I felt like I wanted to take charge of life again after a whirlwind last two months. Our move into a property that was literally a livable shell and then business booming during the Christmas rush, all at the same time, was an amazing progression in life but day to day, was a buzz of pure survival and simply ‘getting things done’ until bed time.
Taking back control again on my mind, a challenge of a paddle in the North Sea seemed just the ticket. Crazy, maybe, as I’ve actually never paddleboarded before. It could have gone either way, love or hate. No wind and a very chilly 3 degrees (there was ice on the puddles outside), I layered up over the top of my wettie and was off. Surprisingly it was as easy as hopping up from the kneeling position, gaining balance and paddling off. What a great feeling it is to do something new.
Bathroom Design
Phase one of my renovation, the once Doctors Surgery diabled loo now converted shower room will finally be revealed on the blog soon. It’s 80% completed. Flooring and items such as hand and towel rails as well as shelving need to be purchased.
With a minialist monocrome look already set, I need a towel rail to blend in. There is a good space for hanging towels behind the door and directly above a radiator, so a heated rail isn’t a necessity. I can’t quite decide on either a white or black colour and I seem to be gravitating towards a ladder look.
(Image | Agape Design)
(Image | Flack Studio)
(Image | Archi Products)
(Image | Ferm Living)
(Image | Down & Out Chic)