Top tips to being more sustainable with little effort go a long way. With the world waking up from COVID19 lockdowns, we are living in a historical moment.
We can choose to go back to the old world of pollution and waste. Or to accelerate the transition to a future where profits are not against the planet or people.
In these times of change, there is an urgent need for global leadership and collaboration. It was positive news yesterday the US was welcomed back into the Paris Agreement for Climate Change.
Thinking of sustainability on a global level is mind-boggling though!
So how can YOU a small piece of the global sustainable puzzle make small changes in your home?
After all, continuous little changes lead add up to bigger things. We ALL need to do our bit for a better world and a better balance with nature.
Read below my top tips for little and easy things you can do at home to be more sustainable…
Happy reading!
#1 Buy a Better Bin
There are many waste ‘separator’ bins on the market that keep recycling at the forefront of your mind.
Shown here in my kitchen, I use Brabantia’s ‘Sort and Go’ Recycle bins, which come in a range of colours and are a step above in the attractiveness stakes.
My bins have lasted 4 years and are used without bin liners with recycling ready sorted for filling into council bins.
Save time and effort and invest in recycling bins for your home.
# 2 Reuse Kitchen Cloths & Sponges by Washing Them
You wash your tea towels, right? So wash your kitchen cloths and sponges too? Simple supermarket cloths wash well and can be reused until frayed. Don’t just use them once.
Shown here on my coffee machine are cloths which we reuse by throwing them in the washing machine with our clothes.
# 3 Get Milk Delivered in Glass Bottles
About 4% of British people now get their milk delivered — like in the ‘good old days’ — and others are starting to buy from a growing number of milk stations.
We started using McQueens Dairies who deliver our Organic whole milk from Glasgow to us in East Lothian and supply locally sourced Scottish Milk.
#4 Use a Biodegradable Toothbrush
The average person uses 300 toothbrushes in their lifetime. That equates to billions of toothbrushes finding their way to landfills every single year.
Bamwoo biodegradable toothbrushes have bamboo handles and have BPA-free nylon bristles. They brush and clean teeth at least as well as a standard plastic toothbrush, and are far better for the environment. The bamboo handle is also naturally antibacterial for optimal hygiene even when wet.
#5 Refill your Toiletries
As a Laura Thomas Co news subscriber, you’ll know we love to refill and reuse.
Refilling your toiletries is not only cheaper for you but better for the environment putting less waste into landfills or your local recycling plant.
#6 Repurpose Food Containers
In my house we love Pics Peanut butter for 2 reasons:
1 We have watched this New Zealand brand grow from when we first bought this peanut butter from our local farmers’ market in Nelson (when we lived in New Zealand) to them now being stocked in Tescos in the UK.
2 Because we reuse the jar. I have been collecting them to reuse and store nuts, beans, and other foods in them for my shelf. I just love the star on the lid!
It’s not only jam jars that are good to reuse but so are plastic butter containers. Reuse your butter containers to store leftover foods and you will never need to buy cling film again as butter containers are just as good!
#7 Use a Natural Sea Sponge in the Bathroom

Natural Sea Sponge contains no microplastics that can shed during use and then flushed down our drains into our waterways and seas. They are completely natural, organic and they contain no plastic, synthetic materials, or toxic dyes that could harm your skin or the planet.
Not only that they will save you money. When cared for sea sponges last for 2-5 years. They contain enzymes that inhibit mold and bacteria growth which extends their lifetime.
So they’re a much smarter investment than a cheap, synthetic sponge or washcloth!
We have Natural Sea Sponges coming into stock soon at LTCO.
Hope you have enjoyed our Top Tips to being more Sustainable!