I smiled tonight as my eldest daughter sat at the kitchen table with a pile of interior mags on one side and scissors on the other. She was scrap booking for her bedroom makeover. Getting ideas for what style she would like her personal space to be. She’s 8. Does the interiors bug start that early?
The earliest memory I have of my own love of interiors was in my early teens. I boarded at a school three hours away. Each term we moved bedrooms. It’s rather unsettling to be moving this often (is this the norm at posh public schools?) and I remember trying to make my room as homely and as cosy as possible. With beautiful white bed linen (naturally) instead of starched school sheets, bright modern art posters and fabric strewn around the walls.
I thought I’d post this bedroom, namely the bed itself. The easy comfort vibe it gives off was the look I was trying to get in my school room (although at 13 I’m really sure I didn’t manage to achieve quite the sophistication). The pure linen caught my eye first and then the built-in bed head. The ledge creates gives depth to the eye and is the perfect spot to replace that empty hot drink that was taken to bed or display items or books. I can imagine lazy Sunday mornings, propped up reading or chatting and the light streaming in the large window during the summer.
When you read interior mags and blogs and peruse stylish houses and living spaces do you ever wonder about the persons that lives there? What makes them tick? How they earn a living, what makes them laugh and just how do they achieve that high level of style worthy of glossy print?
I love to think about this while relaxing with an interiors mag and cup of Earl Grey. Who do you think rests in this room? Don’t you just love their minimal style?
(images | Alvhem Makleri & Interior)