01.06 to 30.06 Imprint Casts Pop up in Store

FREE Event, whole month of June, ♡ 

1st June to 29th June Imprint Casts Pop up in store at Laura Thomas Co, 67 High Street, North Berwick.

Local Edinburgh Artist Katy Eccles makes beautiful botanical casts made using a unique casting process and made entirely by hand.

The imprint of the flowers and foliage is taken in clay and then preserved in plaster of Paris after all remnants of the flowers have been carefully removed from the clay by hand with tweezers. Seed by seed and petal by petal.

Imprint Casts will be popping up in store for the whole month of June.  Come and see the beautiful designs showcased in store which can also be purchased.

Katy will also be in store to demonstrate making casts on: Saturday 15th June.

Find out more about Katy’s work here.


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