Since my new kitchen was put in I’ve been looking for recycling bins. The jute bag on the floor holding all the recycling, that was emptied and sorted daily into outdoor bins, wasn’t cutting it.
I’m pretty passionate about recycling in the home or wherever I can. Upcycling and using what I already have are things I like to think about and play around with. Recently during the renovation of my home, I’ve found pieces of furniture, or some wood or an old shelf that I inherited from the surgery days and have pondered on how I could re-used it or what it could be turned into.
I love to give my girls old clothes away to friends so their girls can use them and I’m very lucky to have friends who do the same and pass on clothes to me. Heck, even my coffee grounds get put in the garden!
My business also reflects how passionate I am about recycling and the environment. All Laura Thomas Linens packaging is made by recycled materials and can be recycled itself. No plastic where possible. I’ve also thought about (or rather hoped) that clients would reuse my glass packaging. My scent diffuser jar for example, once washed well could be used as a sauce or chutney jar in the kitchen.
So after a good internet search in the likely places, I found these Brabantia ‘Sort & Go’ recycling bins in the most unlikely of places. I had seen them on the internet and as I’ve worked with Brabantia’s PR company (and love their products) and did look online at what they had to offer but didn’t purchase. I couldn’t quite tell by seeing an image online whether they would fit the space I had.
However, after seeing the recycling bins in store in Dunelm and actually picking them up, seeing how big they were I decided they were the ones for me.
Known as ‘Sort & Go’ they come in 4 colours. Black, White, Yellow and Blue. I attached them to the wall, with an easy install kit that comes with the bins. I love the fact they are off the ground. It gives a much cleaner feel. When emptying, the lid comes off and left is the main bucket to take off the wall and easily tip into the outside recycling bins for local collection.
They are awesome and most importantly, they’ve saved me time. No more sorting!
(Photography | Helen Pugh for Laura Thomas Linens)
All words by Laura Thomas. This post first appeared on Laura Thomas Interior Design.
This is not a sponored post.